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At Virtual Pangea, we are excited to share updates on our team, advisors, and Q2 focus for our project and product development. Here’s a breakdown:

Team and Advisors:

Our consolidated team now consists of Marc (CEO & CTO), Den Code (Gamification R&D), Dani (Business Growth & Operations), Atmos (Partnerships & Community Growth), and Shant (Graphic Design).
Andreea and Luca will continue to support the team as members of the Board of Directors of Virtual Pangea AG.
We have partnered with two heavyweight crypto advisors: Laurent and Tudor. Laurent brings a wealth of experience in business development that will help us with our product-market fit strategy, community growth, marketing, and partnerships activities. Tudor, a crypto veteran, will advise our overall crypto & blockchain strategy, including our token launch campaign planning and introductions to new investors and partners.

Q2 Focus:


  • Delivering Netizen Labs’ first gamification product called Telegram Gamification App (TGA) powered by Netizen Labs gamification API and PATRON program to onboard our first partners that will use TGA.
  • Developing our Tokenomics & product roadmap with the support of our advisors.
Community Growth:
  • Starting Netizen Raids campaigns as a new approach for community growth, using TGA with a combination of an innovative XP system, leaderboards and tokenized rewards,
  • Participating in the second edition of the Web3StrongerTogether Summit.
We are excited to deliver our Netizen vision & mission that will bring a new way of gamifying the internet. We will be starting soon by bringing good vibes to all crypto communities that will come along and play, even in a BEAR MARKET!

Author marcb

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